elementales | villa de Leyva

I recently upgraded my camera to a Fujifilm XT4. As an X-Creator, I travelled to Villa de Leyva to try out the new camera and bring home some feedback. I chose Pozos Azules because the aqua-marine colour of this artificial ponds is very intense and the nature that surrounds them is rich in vegetation, despite being a desert. Another aspect that blows my mind is the floor, rich in minerals of my favorite pastel colours.

|pozos azules|

Wild nature reminds me of the world I envision. A world where children are educated through the qualities of awareness and respect to be in touch with everything in their environment and sense the energies of plants, animals, people and all things. This way they could feel the needs and feelings of all around them, and would understand in a deep level, that they could not hurt anything without hurting themselves.

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