jungle fire | amazonas

While on assignment to document a yoga retreat on the Amazon Rainforest, I decided to portray on the side the natural beauty of it’s nature and the local people.


Photo selected by Survival International to be included in the We, the people 2021 Calendar.

Survival is a movement of people from over 100 countries. Their vision is a world where tribal peoples are respected as contemporary societies and their human rights protected. They reject government funding so they can guarantee their absolute independence and integrity.

Ruben Manuel, our guide from the Tikuna tribe, in front of his house.

Ruben Manuel, our guide from the Tikuna tribe, in front of his house.

This houses facades reminded me of Golden Atlantis. Atlanteans understood that colour affects us profoundly, so they carefully chose different tones for their homes. “For peace, and to raise the frequency, temples were painted in blue, mauve and green…” Also, “they painted animals and inspirational scenes from nature in beautiful colours with a high, spiritual energy. All things were designed to maintain the divine frequency.”


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